Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Kali brantas....di sini urat nadi kota mengalir, di sini kami pemuda pemudi seniman dan budayawan dengan khidmat merasakan degup kemedekaan mengalirkan darah hidup. Degup semangat cinta tanah air, negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang telah dibangun oleeh para Pahlawan Bangsa.
Bersama dalam doa dan harapan-harapan terindah kita pujikan semoga bangsa dan negeri pancasila ini senantiasa dibimbing dan dilindungi berkat Allah sepanjang segala mata.
Saudara-saudara satu jiwa merdeka, sampai dengan hari ini kita tahu bertapa derasnya arus konsep-konsep pemikiran dan perilaku yang katanya membawa kebaruan telah membanjiri bangsa kita. Tetapi juga sedah banyak tanda-tanda telah terjandinya pengdangkalan dan pemerosotan bahkan pengingkaran nilai-nilai di berbagai sektor k ehidupan. Segala sesuatu dipandang sebagai ralatif dan bebas tafsir.
Kita memang sadar bahwa kodrat kemajuan kebudayaan adalah keniscayaan terjadinya gerak dan perubahan, tetapi tentu kita juga harus sadar bahwa tidak setiap gerak dan perubahan itu berarti kemajuan. Maka di sini, saat ini kita wajib secara cerdas dan seksama untuk selalu memilah dan memilih segala yang ditawarkan. Sebab jika sekedar euforia dan kebebasan yang hampa pasti akan merugikan kemanusiaan dan persaudaraan pasti hanya akan menambah luka-luka budaya.
Sesungguhnya dalam setiap gerak perubahan kebudayaan selalu dibutuhkan seniman dan budayawan yang berpikir. Sesungguhnya dalam membangun kebudayaan dibutuhkan partisipasi dan kontribusi setiap orang. Sesungguhnya suatu bangsa dan negara modern yang berkepribadian dalam kebudayaan membutuhkan kejelasan politik dan strategi kebudayan nasional yang berwawasan global dari pemerintah. Sebab tanpa kejelasan politik dan strategi kebudayaan nasional, suatu bangsa akan dihinakan martabatnya, hanya menjadi epigondan plagiat dari budaya bangsa lain.
Maka kita pemuda pemudi, seniman dan budayawan Kota Malang siang ini di tepi brantas ini hendaknya bersatu menyatakan tekad jiwa merdeka berkepribadian dalam kebudayaan: Tidak akan menjadi Epigon atau Plagiat!!
Kita bangga dan setia pada pancasila, pada merah putih, pada UUD 1945, bangga menjadi bangsa indonesia dan sungguh mencintai Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Sekali Merdeka Tetap Merdeka!
Akhirnya dengan semangat satu jiwa merdeka semangat Agustus 1945, pada jam 12.00 ini Performance art Malang festival Tahun 2010 dinyatakan resmi dibuka!!
Semoga Tuhan memberkati kita semua.
Terima kasih.
Malang, 16 Agustus 2010
Antony Wibowo
(Perupa & Seniman Kota Malang_Sekjen Dewan Kesenian Malang)
*) Disampaikan sebagai amanat upacara pada Upacara Bendera 17 Agustus (sebuah happening art) di bawah Jembatan Splindid Malang yang mana sekaligus sebagai pembuka Perfomance Art Malang Festival (PAMAFest) 2010
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Brantas here .... veins flowed the city, here we are artists and cultural youngsters feel the beat independence solemnly blood stream of life. Beat the spirit of love of the homeland, the unitary state of Indonesia which has been built by the Hero of the Nation.
Along with the prayers and hopes of our beautiful nation and country commendeth hopefully this Pancasila always guided and protected thanks to God throughout all of the eye.
The brothers of soul freedom, until today we know imprisoned rapid flow concepts of thought and behavior that he brings novelty have flooded our nation. But also sedah many signs of degeneration were superficiality occurrence and even denial of the values in the various sectors of life. Everything is viewed as relative and free interpretation.
We do realize that nature is the inevitability of cultural advancement of motion and change, but of course we also have to realize that not every motion and change means progress. So here, now we must be smart and careful to always pick and choose everything that is offered. If it just euphoria and freedom that vacuum would harm humanity and brotherhood would only reinforce the cultural wounds.
In fact in any culture change movement is always required that artists and cultural thinking. Indeed in culture needed to build participation and contribution of everyone. Truly a modern nation requires clarity of personality in political culture and national cultural strategy of the government's vision of global. Because without clarity of political and national cultural strategy, a nation will be humiliated dignity, only to be epigon and plagiarism of another nation's culture.
So our young people, artists and cultural Malang City this afternoon on the banks of the Brantas this determination should be united states free spirit personality in culture: There will be Epigon or plagiarism!
We are proud and loyal to the Pancasila, in red and white, the 1945 Constitution, is proud to be Indonesian nation and really love the Republic of Indonesia.
Once the Free Stay Free!
Finally, in the spirit of a soul independent spirit of August 1945, at 12:00 am this Malang Performance art festival in 2010 declared officially open!
May God bless us all.
Thank you.
Malang, August 16, 2010
Anton Wibowo
(Artists & Artists Malang_Sekjen City Arts Council Malang)
*) Presented as a trust ceremony on Flag Ceremony August 17 (an art happenings) under the bridge where Splindid Malang well as the opening Malang Perfomance Art Festival (PAMAFest) 2010
Brantas here .... veins flowed the city, here we are artists and cultural youngsters feel the beat independence solemnly blood stream of life. Beat the spirit of love of the homeland, the unitary state of Indonesia which has been built by the Hero of the Nation.
Along with the prayers and hopes of our beautiful nation and country commendeth hopefully this Pancasila always guided and protected thanks to God throughout all of the eye.
The brothers of soul freedom, until today we know imprisoned rapid flow concepts of thought and behavior that he brings novelty have flooded our nation. But also sedah many signs of degeneration were superficiality occurrence and even denial of the values in the various sectors of life. Everything is viewed as relative and free interpretation.
We do realize that nature is the inevitability of cultural advancement of motion and change, but of course we also have to realize that not every motion and change means progress. So here, now we must be smart and careful to always pick and choose everything that is offered. If it just euphoria and freedom that vacuum would harm humanity and brotherhood would only reinforce the cultural wounds.
In fact in any culture change movement is always required that artists and cultural thinking. Indeed in culture needed to build participation and contribution of everyone. Truly a modern nation requires clarity of personality in political culture and national cultural strategy of the government's vision of global. Because without clarity of political and national cultural strategy, a nation will be humiliated dignity, only to be epigon and plagiarism of another nation's culture.
So our young people, artists and cultural Malang City this afternoon on the banks of the Brantas this determination should be united states free spirit personality in culture: There will be Epigon or plagiarism!
We are proud and loyal to the Pancasila, in red and white, the 1945 Constitution, is proud to be Indonesian nation and really love the Republic of Indonesia.
Once the Free Stay Free!
Finally, in the spirit of a soul independent spirit of August 1945, at 12:00 am this Malang Performance art festival in 2010 declared officially open!
May God bless us all.
Thank you.
Malang, August 16, 2010
Anton Wibowo
(Artists & Artists Malang_Sekjen City Arts Council Malang)
*) Presented as a trust ceremony on Flag Ceremony August 17 (an art happenings) under the bridge where Splindid Malang well as the opening Malang Perfomance Art Festival (PAMAFest) 2010
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